May 6th, 2016- 11:30pm
The primary reason for this trip to Paris was for Camille and Wilson to take
deli in our neighborhood-Schwartz's.
We walked from the Marais, with its narrow streets crowded with a few tourists and a lot of shoppers and moms with strollers headed to a park, across the Seine to the Ile St. Louis, which was relatively quiet until we approached Berthillon, the ice cream shop behind Notre Dame made famous by every tour book since the 1980s. Paris has such a great "cafe culture" and by 3-4 in the afternoon, people start claiming their tables. The crowds of tourists on the island seemed to be happy baking in the sun, eating ice cream and enjoying the view of Notre Dame's flying buttresses. As a parent, I realize that I have to keep repeating myself often- things I have shared with Camille, Pete missed because he was too little (and probably more interested in ice cream). And now, Camille and I can both "teach" him as we share the history and architecture of one of our favorite cities.
We quickly headed across the next bridge and into the neighborhood of St. Germain des Pres and up
the hill. Here the crowd changes a little from hoards of tourists to more of a neighborhood scene, and as you approach the Pantheon, you are walking by the Sorbonne. The sidewalks were crowded with college students getting out of class.
In 1791, the basilica was transformed into the National Pantheon where by decree, it was transformed into a temple to honor the great men of the Nation. Voltaire's remains were
transferred there and Rousseau was interred there forever-rivals in theory in life- they lie facing each other in the crypt. Two different times it was turned back into a church until finally in 1885, the structure was returned to its civic importance for Victor Hugo's funeral.
New York Times, June1, 1885
So, it can be said that the French have celebrated their thinkers- the men and women that created the Enlightenment, which is how they moved from a monarchy to a democracy--on the rational principles of equality.
Along with Rousseau, Voltaire, and Hugo, the crypt holds the remains of Marie Curie and her husband Pierre, Alexandre Dumas, leaders of the French Resistance and the French Revolution, and Leon Gambetta, founder of the 3rd republic.
In keeping with its celebration of thought- Foucault's pendulum was originally tested here and was rebuilt in the late 1900s. The pendulum, pulled back one time a day, swings for over 24 hours, and at this latitude, the base on the floor rotates around the pendulum at 11 degrees an hour, proving that the Earth is round and revolving. It took the 3 of us a long time to wrap our brains around the scientific principles and Pete has plans to make one at home...
Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Picasso were all here- exchanging ideas, writing, thinking and being encouraged. As crowded as it is, my family always manages to find a few great new additions to our library.
Today the topics were the French Resistance and Architecture.
So- just what I hoped for. Lots of really big concepts
and ideas to chew on, and hopefully we will seek more information to answer all the questions that came up. And with virtual learning, we have the time to seek knowledge. Another layer of enrichment, another layer of Paris.
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